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Product Information


Aloedyne™ comes in our standard 9 ounce bottle with a spritzer on top. Intended for topical use only!

This product is alcohol and fragrance free.

Active ingredients is concentrated Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Copper. Aloedyne™ also contains Pure Aloe oil to help keep skin silky smooth.

The colloidal silver and colloidal copper kills microbes and viruses on contact. This product can also be sprayed on surfaces like shopping cart handles and other surfaces you might want to disinfect before coming into contact with.

Since body odor is caused by microbes and other organisms, you can use Aloedyne™ sprayed on sensitive areas of the body to help eliminate odors. It can also be sprayed directly on scratches and open wounds to help prevent infections.

Will not leave hands oily or greasy feeling and since it's alcohol free, won't crack your skin and make your hands feel dried out.

All of our products on this site are fragrance free, including Aloedyne™

Product Code: ALOEDYNE-HS

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