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Product Information

Colloidal Gold in our 32 Ounce Bottles

Colloidal Gold is not as well known as it's sister Colloidal Silver for use as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, but is a higher frequency metal colloid that is often used to ease the pains and swellings of arthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, and tendonitis.

Perhaps one of the most incredible properties of Colloidal Gold is it's properties for increasing the IQ by as much as 24% in some individuals when taken daily for at least four weeks.

Colloidal Gold is also very effective when used to fight obesity.

Colloidal Gold is a natural stimulant and rejuvenator for cells throughout the body.

Colloidal Gold improves the transmission of electrical signals between nerve cells in the brain. In part, this may be because gold is a catalyst for endorphin-like hormones. Colloidal Gold enhances the antioxidant enzyme super oxide desmutase (SOD).

Colloidal Gold has also been used to fight cancer of several types and helps alleviate pain and prolongs the onset of terminal cachexia (general physical wasting and malnutrition usually associated with terminal cancer.) It also helps with the chronic pain and discomfort of the disease.


Recommended dosage of Colloidal Gold

Topical Use
Unlimited, use as much as you want on your skin

Internal Use
Unlimited, but use less as anything more would be a waste. Colloidal Gold is non-toxic and tasteless.
10ml (2 teaspoons) every day.

Product Code: COLT0QKO71-32

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