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Colloidal Magnesium



Product Information

Colloidal Magnesiuim


The Muscle Cramp Eliminator


Low magnesium is a major cause of muscle cramps everywhere in the body. Especially in the legs and feet during the night.

Almost 80% of Americans have a severe lack of magnesium in their bodies. Our bodies need magnesium to help stop pain, swelling, tension and inflammation.

Magnesium increases energy production in our bodies! Magnesium is one special mineral that keeps you from feeling worn out, lethargic, or tired all the time.

Unlike all other magnesium supplements, where magnesium is combined with other substances and fillers to make them more acceptable to the general public for consumption, our Colloidal Magnesium is only made up of pure distilled water and nano particles of magnesium making it nearly instantly available to the cells.

Your body can only uptake about 10% of all other magnesium supplements at most because it eliminates all the other fillers (crushed rock and other chemicals) because these fillers are not digestible or usable by the body.

Magnesium is responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies, which makes it one of the most important minerals for health and wellness.


As a side note: Magnesium Deficiency is linked to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, and osteoporosis.

For people who have Diabetes Type 2, magnesium will help regulate blood sugar levels.

A deficiency in magnesium can lead to low calcium and low potassium levels in the blood.

Recommended dosage of Colloidal Magnesium

Topical Use
Unlimited, use as much as you want on your skin

Internal Use
5ml to 15ml (1 to 3 teaspoons) every day.



Product Code: COLW441U78

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