Liposomal VC in our 32 Ounce Bottles
Check this out regarding high potency, highly absorb-able vitamin C - Why? estimated 75% of the population is deficient in vitamin C; helps immune function, cataracts, gum disease, colds, flu, rapid healing in general, even in animals.
Cardiologist/Attorney Thomas Levy -
"Dr. Levy believes that millions of Americans suffer with UN-diagnosed localized scurvy — even when overall body stores of ascorbate are within what is considered to be normal range.
In his latest book, Stop America’s #1 Killer!, he cites periodontal disease and cataracts as two forms of localized scurvy. He also lays out a very persuasive argument and cites hundreds of references to prove that Coronary Heart Disease is always initiated by a localized scurvy in the coronary arteries."
How much would one take of the liposomal encapsulated vitamin C? Best advice would be an oz / day for maintenance, 3-4 oz/day or more for health challenges like cancer or other diseases; experiment with it and see. If taste is an issue cut with water or juice.
This type of sequestered vitamin “C” has demonstrated to be, at least 5 times more effective (per volumetric measure) than any other form of orally-ingested vitamin “C”….that has been tested.
Additionally, it appears to be even more rapid in tissue-bed availability—-than IV applications. An astounding revelation.
Product Code: 32 7KVXH51